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With Suppliers

Specifi collaboration is the bridge between dealer and supplier. It allows both parties to work in real-time on system designs and proposals. Read on to find out more or watch the How to video here.

Streamline system design by easily collaborating with your suppliers on Specifi.

Specifi collaboration gives you the ability to work in real time with your Suppliers, minimising the frustrations of back and forth to finalise system designs.

With just one click, you can share a project with any of your linked suppliers. They are then able to view the system, make changes and add in notes or important documents. It’s quick and convenient, plus it allows you to get back to what you love most, installing great AV systems.

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Streamlined Design Process

Specifi Collaboration eliminates the need for lengthy email chains and time-consuming back-and-forth. You and your supplier can collaborate on the design, specifications, and product selection in real-time, so you can get your projects approved and installed faster. Plus, you have peace of mind knowing what you’ve specified really is the best option for your client.

Improved Communication

Specifi Collaboration keeps you and your suppliers on the same page. You can easily track changes, so there's no confusion about what's been agreed upon. This leads to fewer miscommunications and a smoother buying process.

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Increased efficiency

Specifi Collaboration saves you time and money. With a single click, both you and your supplier can view the same system. This not only speeds up the process of finalising a system, but also ensures greater accuracy in your system designs and proposals.